Sunday, 23 February 2014

Project: Kunstbende

So yesterday was the big day and it was great.
I was the fist one in the category fashion to go on stage.
I was too nervous to tell anything about the collection...
But the show was good, my models did a great job really.
And I thank them again, you were perfect girls!!!

Later on I won the 3rd place, out of 4 people so nothing too special.

Here is a picture of my models and a video of the entire show.
Also check out the winner: Borreberghs design.

Thank you!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Project: Kunstbende

The event will take place in two weeks.
And I’m really excited!
A bad thing is that a lot of stuff has to be made.
Last thursday I started on a dress.
It is long ( nearly touches the floor)
It has some special details, that brightens it up.
The details are hard to explain
so I’ll have to do it with pictures.
While I’m working or when I’m done with a piece
I’ll show you what axactly I mean.

I’m going to explain one with a picture.

Firstly this is the dress front.


This is a diamond shaped cut-out that will begin
under/ between the breasts
and ends under the belly button.

Project: Kunstbende

So I haven’t posted anything in a while, and I’m sorry.
I did do a lot in that time though.
The first thing I worked on was the mens outfit.
I made the hard pieces for the side of the simple shirt,
they are made of really thick interfacing and I sewed them on the shirt.
Here are some pictures of the result.

2014-01-30 18.59.04
2014-01-30 19.01.04
2014-01-30 18.58.50