Monday, 13 January 2014

Project: Kunstbende

Yes, the troubles occurred.
The exact colour of zipper for the skirt is not available anymore so I have to wait.
And I can't attach the waistband because of it.

BUT I started to work on a t-shirt.
It comes with a pair of pants or shorts (I'm not sure yet), and it's the only outfit that I'll make for men.
I won't post a picture of it, cause it's really not fascinating.

Also I have a kimono that I almost forgot to mention.
It's not done yet, just like everything of this collection...
It's pretty simple, but I think it's okay.
The little twist is that the kimono has a split in the back.
The borders need their finish and then the kimono will be done.

Here are some pictures of the kimono!

The kimono is knee lenght and baggy.

 This is the sleeve.

This is the split in the back, it's as long as the splits in the side.
It begins a little above the butt.

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